Brazilian Alana Tapigliani realizes that her homeland is known for producing some of the most beautiful and captivating models in the world. Although she is now listed among these models, it was never a venture she planned on pursuing. That being said, this has allowed her to live her professional life as an adventure rather than as an end goal. Modeling is definitely part of the entertainment world and as such it allows those involved in this vocation to mold their career based on their interest and opportunities. Tapigliani is continually doing something different and unexpected. It’s an exciting lifestyle that is not void of challenges and difficulties. This Brazilian model feels that she gets the chance to experience the world and interact with many talented artists while representing the work of designers and brands that she appreciates. There’s no telling what new opportunities the future will bring for Alana as her visibility and notoriety continue to elevate. She confirms that she celebrates the uncertain course that lies in front of her. Not knowing how everything will occur on a daily basis is one of the facets of a modern career in modeling that she embraces most fully. - read our full article in The Crazy Mind magazine