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Artist Benedicte Gele

Equine Nude 92t Chalk, charcoal, watercolor and gesso on paper 40 x 30 cm, 2018
Equine Nude 92t Chalk, charcoal, watercolor and gesso on paper 40 x 30 cm, 2018

France based, Benedicte Gele is a horse and line addict. She uses the body of the animal as she could use a human body, to experiment through her art, the movement and the expression.

Gaze XX Chalk, acrylic and gesso on canvas 30 x 30 cm, 2018
Gaze XX Chalk, acrylic and gesso on canvas 30 x 30 cm, 2018

The body in its simplest form, as crude as the pencil stroke, the artist’s basic technique, grey or black, pure and powerful.

Face to Face 28t Chalk, acrylic and gesso on canvas 80 x 60 cm, 2018
Face to Face 28t Chalk, acrylic and gesso on canvas 80 x 60 cm, 2018

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