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Artist Thomas Anderson

Writer's picture: JaamZIN CreativeJaamZIN Creative

BOBBER Original Vignette Size: 33" x 21"  Colored Pencil on Foamcore  Bobber was an idea that came to me on day while standing on my dock at our lake property. For my whole life, it was always common for us to walk down to the lake and drop all of our fishing gear into a big a pile on the shoreline or the dock while preparing to head out and fish for the day. In this particular image, a Springer spots the bobber and is immediately entranced. Better get over there before he finds the hook!
BOBBER Original Vignette Size: 33" x 21" Colored Pencil on Foamcore Bobber was an idea that came to me on day while standing on my dock at our lake property. For my whole life, it was always common for us to walk down to the lake and drop all of our fishing gear into a big a pile on the shoreline or the dock while preparing to head out and fish for the day. In this particular image, a Springer spots the bobber and is immediately entranced. Better get over there before he finds the hook!

Art is a part of my life that cannot be suppressed. It occupies my mind almost every day. My thoughts and personal experiences blend to generate different levels of enthusiasm. As a result, my work is exciting for me. When I create a work of art, I visualize images that make me think of the past and moments I've experienced throughout my life. These concepts come from observing life and what is familiar to me. Actually, ideas often develop from daydreaming! You would be surprised of how many sources in which an artist taps into.

JUST WAITIN' Colored Pencil Limited Edition Print Size: 12 1/2" x 18" Edition size: 500  On a summer afternoon a boy watches for his father to arrive. They've made plans to go fishing and he is extremely excited. The wait is just to much for him and the thought of having lunch is already overwhelming. Hope Dad doesn't mind I ate his sandwich.
JUST WAITIN' Colored Pencil Limited Edition Print Size: 12 1/2" x 18" Edition size: 500 On a summer afternoon a boy watches for his father to arrive. They've made plans to go fishing and he is extremely excited. The wait is just to much for him and the thought of having lunch is already overwhelming. Hope Dad doesn't mind I ate his sandwich.

I like to idealize life in my work, delivering a measure of nostalgia and telling the viewer a story is uppermost on my mind. I want my work to trigger a memory from the past. Touching ones emotions is considered an accomplishment for me The medium I use is colored pencil mixed with graphite. The colored pencils I use in a piece of art may vary (pencils from a school boy's pencil box to a professional artist's collection). I like the control pencils allow me. Finally, I use a vignette style because the configuration focuses on what is important in the scene.

NO NEED FOR TIPS Original 15" x 17" Colored Pencil on Foamcore or Colored Pencil  Limited Edition Print 10" x 11", Giclee Paper Print Edition size: 250  Look, Dad! You don't need to read about how to catch'em, catchin'em is easy.
NO NEED FOR TIPS Original 15" x 17" Colored Pencil on Foamcore or Colored Pencil Limited Edition Print 10" x 11", Giclee Paper Print Edition size: 250 Look, Dad! You don't need to read about how to catch'em, catchin'em is easy.

Tom is licensed through Wild Wings Art Publishing in Lake City, Minn. His art has been featured in various publications - to name a few, Cabela's Magazine, Boundary Waters Journal, Cabin Life Magazine and Minnesota Out-of-Doors Magazine.  Tom, along with his wife and children, reside in Virginia, Minn. 

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