Nvard Yerkanian is an Armenian graphic designer and illustrator based in Florence, Italy.
She is the co-founder and curator of WHY Graphic Design Festival (www.whyfestival.com) in Florence and co-founder of AJZ space (www.ajzspace.org) and curatorial art collective.
Studied Architecture (BA), Graphic Design (MA) and Cultural Criticism (MA), in her artistic practices and personal projects, Nvard try to combine all the disciplines and skills, and her topics mainly focus on public spaces, urban transformations, and cultural heritage. Her Soviet Modernist Architecture in Armenia series is shortlisted for the World Illustration Award 2019. Co-founding member of Docomomo Armenia.
More info:
Website: http://nvard.yerkanian.com Society6: https://society6.com/yerkanian
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nvardyerkanian Behance: https://www.behance.net/yerkanian