Creativity and being able to express one's emotions through a canvas and color is something very similar to magic. Creating an emotion from nothing is truly something unique.
This concept has always fascinated me. Since I was a child I have always had a strong interest in color and creativity. No one pushed me or suggested me to follow this path, I just found myself in it and for me, it was the easiest and most natural thing to do.
For many years I have tried my hand at painting, always preferring oil painting, and I have always wondered what my path was, what my distinctive style could be.
I’ve always wondered what painting style I belonged to, but I’ve never found the right one for me.
I have identified with impressionism, which I still do today; but I have never felt that I belong to it 100%, there are some things I do, how I choose the subjects, how I choose the colors that are not part of that style ... while remaining one of my absolute favorite, I felt it didn't define me altogether.
So instead of standing there thinking I started making more and more paintings, experimenting. What made me happy while I was creating? Which painting did I feel akin to my spirit and which one seemed anonymous to me? Which painting was immediately recognizable as mine by an outside observer?
After having created and sold a few hundred paintings, I finally understood that I had to venture to create a new current myself.
And so I coined the term "Bright Expressionism"
Classical expressionism does not care about the perfection of shapes and colors, but focuses on how the painter feels, on how he exposes (expresses) his emotions on the canvas, and this is exactly what I do. However, expressionism has the characteristic of focusing on dramatic and not serene emotions and this is not for me.
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