My name is Francisco Nora, I'm a 21 year old student from Portugal, currently on the last year of Multimedia Communications Technologies, photography has always been a passion of mine and in 2019 I finally bought myself my first analog camera and started practicing, one year later I had saved up to buy a digital camera body and decided to adapt the lenses from my analog camera into my digital one, has a way of artistic expression and to save money while having a various lenses.

I was then asked by my cousin to help him with his brand of skateboards by taking photos for the brand's Instagram page, there I found a motivation to experience things in another way and taking photographs of fast moving subjects with fully manual lenses was challenging for a person with a few months of experience but I managed to take a few snaps every now and then. My main artistic style is a semi vintage style inspired on my early experience, centered on capturing the right moment with the suited composition. My ultimate goal would be by making every single picture i take look like a screenshot of a cinematic masterpiece.

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