“If I could say it in words, I wouldn’t need to photograph.”
Lewis Line
James Wigger is a photographer whose work reflects his fascination with what lies just out of reach. His work is often reminiscent of a relic forgotten in time as decay, texture, and darkness shrouds the subject from the eyes of its viewers, keeping its meaning ambiguous. Through the usage of visual cues and subtle symbolism in his work, he seeks to explore the topics of spirituality, religion, desire, and hope, wishing to confront the issues he believes makes us inherently human.

His work has been represented in numerous galleries throughout Europe and the United States, and has been featured in publications such as SHOTS magazine, Diffusion Annual, PH magazine, and Blur magazine. He lives in Brooklyn and works in the greater New York city area.
You can see more of James’ work at www.jameswigger.com
Representation in the Netherlands by Unlimited Grain Gallery.

More info:
Website: http://www.jameswigger.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jameswigger/
Artlimited: https://www.artlimited.net/15288