I'm Vladimir Tomić, a photographer from Belgrade, Serbia. I started taking photos actively in my twenties, first with my mobile phone camera, then with a second-hand point-and-shoot and finally I afforded a DSLR and a couple of low-budget lenses. Whenever I can, I wander around, trying to capture interesting scenes and moments. I am eager to hear feedback from as many people as possible. I am at your disposal for any kind of photo assignments.
Short description of the photo:
I finished with one of my long photo-walks and I was returning home. Usually, I don't take photos while driving, but anyway my camera was on the seat next to me, turned on and ready. While I was waiting at the red light, I thought the scene in front of me was looking interesting enough to be captured. I took a couple of photos with different focal lenghts and compositions. When I arrived home and looked all the photos, this one was the most appealing. It had pretty high ISO so it looks. much better in grayscale.