Iñaki Oñate (Quito-Ecuador, 1988) has a degree in Cinematography and Film Directing from Universidad del Cine de Buenos Aires (FUC). Drawing has been a passion of his since the early age of 2.
This passion expanded to the disciplines of music and film (including 2d hand drawn animation).
There is a matter of immediate connection between the mind and the hand. That hand that thinks, that captures thoughts in the form of faces, bodies, nightmare landscapes.
Sketches, thinking about the space of the blank page, the symbols and human or monstrous figures, their arrangement in space, their distortion and through these elements suggest the viewer, the reader of that image.
The drawings that I present here are the product of that search and that anguish, of that need to think about the world and establish a dialogue with that world, well…isn't art an attempt to extend the hand, or the soul, in search of something, of someone, of a light or a shadow, that echoes with the darkness of our existence?
Art must be a threat, a threat to reality, a threat for what is established as absolute. The Size of Hope is an expression of human empathy that invites its observers into a journey of nightmarish passages, strange figures and dreamlike visual metaphors.

The main technique used in my drawings is ball pen point on paper, a technique used since childhood. The immediacy of it gives the illustrations a sense of compulsion, of tension and vibrance in the strokes of the drawing that resembles life. On a second degree there is the use of color and digital coloring on some of the pieces to give them a more flashy aspect from a visual design point of view. With all these tools I not only want to convey a unique and somewhat decadent philosophical idea of the world but it is also a very personal way to survive and resist the aspects of reality that are abominable.
These drawings belong to a series called The Size of Hope that started in 2015 and it’s a never ending piece. Hope as a concept is limitless and it encompasses other concepts such as love, anger, war, resistance, existence, loneliness, reflection and imagination. It’s a sort of open book where the artist pours day after day, month after month, year after year, illustrations inspired in these ideas.

More info:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/inakionate
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/inakioo1
Tumblr: https://inakionate.tumblr.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/UNDERGOFILMS