The art in art. A gift that the exceptional artist Verena Terekina perfectly masters:
By harmoniously blending styles, she impressively succeeds in letting every viewer get immersed into the depth of her works. Her inspiration is a wonderful gift – because the „devil“ is in the details, although here the curse is also a blessing. With her unique sweeping lines, which oppose her precision, she mesmerizes her viewers.

Thus fascinated – if not outright hypnotized by the creation of a tridimensional illusion, viewers quickly get lost in a fantasy world that is gladly allowed to become a part of their own reality. As an artist, she masters it to have someone long for the liveliness in her creations: Maybe the shades allow one to suspect a movement or is it the play of colours after all? This art to not just stimulate the world of ideas but also offer her a variety of options, exemplifies Verena Terekinaʻs talent.
(Text by Kristina Kubik)

More info:
Website: https://www.verenaterekina.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/verenaterekina/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100015971015292 50Öpx: https://500px.com/verenaterekina Saatchiart: https://www.saatchiart.com/verenaterekina Pictorem: https://www.pictorem.com/profile/Verena.Terekina Redbubble: https://www.redbubble.com/de/people/V-Terekina/shop?asc=u