Camilla Nilssen (born in 1981) is a visual artist who lives in Trondheim - a city located in the middle of Norway. In 2007 she completed a bachelor degree in visual communication at Høyskolen in Buskerud. Since then, she has worked as a graphic designer, established her own business and worked as a freelance graphic designer. The interest in photography has been present for many years and the result is that she's now creating and selling her own photo art.

Camilla is now working under the name CAMI STUDIO on various creative projects. «Vridd natur» or «twisted nature» is the current project. This is a collection of photos taken in a industrial area, where the purpose is to show how nature changes as humanity takes over and intervenes with its massive construction projects. The photos show that nature can be beautiful, despite these interventions. Camilla wants to express with these pictures mystery and darkness mixed with light and hope. What characterizes the images is an illusion of a dreamy desert land, with eternal perspectives you can move into. The different layers in parallel worlds, allows you to interpret the images in different ways. The viewer of these photos will have to go quite close to see that each photo in conjunction with each other tells a story.

More info:
Website: https://www.camistudio.no
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/camistudio.no