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Artist Eric Migom

"Allan in trouble" refers to the writer E.A.Poe looking to look clear in the world like she is now.
"Allan in trouble" refers to the writer E.A.Poe looking to look clear in the world like she is now. Price: €100+shipping

Always been kind of an outsider, trying to show truth and human reality.

Compo- "Labyrinthe" refers to human, animal after all, lost in his head.
Compo- "Labyrinthe" refers to human, animal after all, lost in his head. Price: €100+shipping

Refusing the glamorous way of making Art, just wanted to relate my work to the reality of our world.

Compo-"Womens in power" refers to my female side and the great respects I have for women and their battle for equal rights with men.
Compo-"Womens in power" refers to my female side and the great respects I have for women and their battle for equal rights with men. Price: €100+shipping

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