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Painter Anita Yan Wong

Anita Yan Wong, M.F.A., M.A., is an Asian American painter best known for her expressive brush strokes and unique style of “Contemporary Traditional" paintings that defies tradition and modernity. The artist, now living and teaching at UC Berkeley S.F. extension California, is a 4th generation Lingnan painter (which originated in southern China in the late 19th century, known for the fusion of mastering modern Chinese, Japanese and Western painting approaches.). Wong worked as an art Professor for over 10 years at MICA, SVA and Temple University before returning to a sole focus on her art in 2015. Her works are currently featured Internationally on over 40 Traditional and Hip Cultural Magazines including N.Y. Arts, ESPN, Disney Inc., cover story of Works & Conversations 2017 (displayed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, SFMOMA, the Kandinsky Library at the Pompidou Center, Paris and Harvard library) and "Cats Rock, felines in Contemporary art and Pop culture" book publication, Nov. 2019. She was awarded first place wall art by “Design within Reach” in Design Philadelphia Award. Wong's work is researched by Academics; Art historians and Phd students Internationally, such as University of Naples "L'Orientale, Italy and the Phd Department of history of art and archaeology, University of London. She has collaborated with MAHB, Stanford University with the goal of preserving Lingnan Guo Hua and the beauties in nature. Yale University's China Hands Magazine described her paintings as “Traditional art form that questions the modern minds.”

"My current works have been dealing with the role of Contemporary Traditional art form and brush works (in particular pushing the boundaries of Traditional Lingnan Style Chinese Painting to the next level) in the Information age. My current painting series –"ink kittens" explores painting as making calligraphy, each painting takes about 10 mins to complete without a sketch nor eraser. I see "Bi" as my handwriting, an expression highly individual. Freehand brushworks and Happy little accidents I create with ink and brush identify me– they serve as a medium for me to convey my emotions and meanings of the subject. Pure ink and movement shown in my paintings different my current style from the usually colored Lingnan style." 

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