A Digital Artist from Bangladesh who has recently started sharing in social medias during the lockdown pandemic phase. Had only chance to learn Art and work with professionals during ordinary and advanced level of schooling then started school of Architecture for Bachelor Degree. After graduation mind did not settle in one kind of creative field, started exploring with graphic designs and digital platforms. With a hectic run of family life and freelancing work from home, she decided to practice paintings digitally out of hobby and passion mostly. She considers her work as an expression of life; yet the feedbacks from people around were inspiring and motivated her more.

Obsessed with elements from nature like sunsets, moon and sky, she tries to connect them with human feelings and thoughts, not abstract but sometimes a fantasy of dream featuring strong colors and silhouettes. She loves to explore different color pallets and sometimes adding a little animation to her artwork. She hopes to see her tutorials and style as some useful resources in future for self-taught artists like her.

More info:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nuha_notion
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nuhanotion
Behance: https://www.behance.net/nuhanotion
Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/nuhanotion